Help and advice - Springride Surfaces
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Help and advice

SPRINGRIDE: frequently asked questions

We’ve compiled a list of FAQs regarding Springride Surfaces, as well as some general arena maintenance tips, which answers many questions on the quantity you’ll require and how to install our surfaces.

If you cannot find the answer or just need free and impartial advice, email us at or call on 0845 6021524

Springride Surfaces FAQ

How much Springride Chip do I need?

Springride Chip© is delivered in 1 tonne bags to lay at your convenience.


  • 20m x 20m = 10 tonnes plus
  • 20m x 40m = 20 tonnes plus
  • 20m x 60m = 30 tonnes plus

While this is our recommendation we will happily supply any quantity from one tonne upwards, ideal for top-ups, lunge rings or horse walkers.

How is Springride Chip applied?

Springchip should be laid on a 10cm levelled sand base, creating a total overall depth of 15cm. The bags can be split open for ease (we don’t ask for them back!).

How much Springride Shredtex do I need?

Springride Shredtex is delivered in easy to handle bulk bags to lay at your convenience.


  • 20m x 20m = 8 bags plus
  • 20m x 40m = 16 bags plus
  • 20m x 60m = 24 bags plus

While this is our recommendation we will happily supply any quantity from one tonne upwards, ideal for top-ups, lunge rings or horse walkers.

How is Springride Shredtex applied?

Springride Shredtex should be laid on a 10cm to 12cm levelled sand base, creating a total overall depth of 14cm to 16cm. The bags can be split open for ease (we don’t ask for them back!).

Arena maintenance help

My arena is not draining well and lacking spring

If your sand is OK but just a little tired the answer may lie in the simple step of adding a sand improver. Springride C2 16mm springs to mind as the ideal solution to this problem. Add approximately one tonne per 60 sqm and rotavate in. Alternatively just lay and leave your horses to do the rotavating.

This will improve the sand composition, aid drainage and add a little bounce. Once rotovated in, roll daily until the surface is nicely settled. That’s it, a cheap yet extremely effective way to liven up your arena without spending a fortune.

My sand is draining well but needs added spring

So your arena looks OK and drainage is good but it’s riding rather dead. First prepare your sand by levelling and rolling, then lay 25mm Springride Chip on top at a rate of one tonne per 40 sqm. Springride produce a premium chip, tried and tested for more than 15 years.

Springride comes in bags, so you can position them evenly on your arena, split or tip the bags and spread to an even depth. Take extra care to ensure the sand is completely level, you don’t want to lay the rubber in tracks or pits. Once laying is complete, level and roll daily until settled. You won’t be able to believe the huge improvement to your arena and your equine’s performance!.

Deep riding sand

This is one of the most common problems and generally occurs as a result of over engineered drainage and/or the wrong sand. You should source a fine to medium, angular silica sand and lay to a depth of 100mm if topping with a rubber surface.

However, if you already have deep riding sand then luckily there is a solution.

Springride designed a new and unique surface 5 years ago  Springride Shredtex –  we tested over a period of 18 months before marketing. It has become very popular and is proven to stabilise and significantly improve deep riding sand.

It works because the specifically shaped unique composition of rubber backed textile, anchors into the top sand layer to create a stable surface, whilst also reducing kick back, banking, tracking and of course maintenance.

Springride Shredtex works well for all equine training but is particularly ideal for dressage arena’s. Prepare your sand by levelling and compacting with a vibrating roller.

Position the bags evenly on the sand, one bag per 50sqm. It is best to lay by hand using forks to ensure sand remains as undisturbed as possible AND to ensure an even depth. Roll as often as possible over the next few weeks to help the Shredtex stabilise your sand.

My indoor school is dry and dusty

This is a very common problem with indoor schools, even with a sprinkler system in place the problem can continue. Prepare your sand by levelling and rolling, it is also helpful to thoroughly wet the sand prior to laying a top dressing. We always recommended Springride Shredtex for indoor arenas.

Here’s why it works. It’s produced from a specific blend of rubber and textiles designed to anchor into the sand whilst also retaining moisture, you should lay it on a 75-100mm sand base and roll as often as possible in the first few weeks. You’ll be amazed at the difference. Shredtex can also be used outdoors.

SPRINGRIDE: environmental considerations

Wherever possible, environmentally friendly methods and materials are used to produce our surfaces.

By manufacturing using the latest technology, low energy motors and controls and sustainably sourced materials, our long lasting surfaces extend the life of recycled materials used by many years.

We also aim to deliver by the most eco-friendly methods.

Springride surfaces are Environment Agency compliant.

Our trained and certificated staff keep up to date with the latest regulations, giving you, our customer peace of mind in knowing you are using professionally produced, high quality surfacing.

horse surfacing experts