Horse Arena Surfaces UK | Horse Riding Surfaces | Springride Surfaces
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Springride Arena

Springride Arena Leveller

  • Easy to use
  • Galvanised construction
  • Towable by car, quad, or tractor
  • Sprung tines
  • Patterned roller
  • Wheels for easy handling or towing to and from the arena
  • Two sizes available

Springride arena levellers are specifically designed with our surfaces in mind. Levelling any surface easily, this leveller is a must for any arena owner.

The towable Springride levellers have sprung tines to rake over high spots and a specially patterned roller which rolls and beats the surface level. There are lowerable wheels to help manoeuvre the grader or tow to and from your arena.

Our arena levellers are easy to handle and can be towed by quad bike, 4×4 car or tractor. This is a very useful tool for levelling horse riding surfaces, for anyone managing horse arena surfaces in the UK. They are made to the highest standard and are galvanised to extend life expectancy when left outdoors. Our levellers are sold with a hitch for cars and quad bikes or three-point link for tractors.

surfaces for horse riding