Springride Shredtex Pro Top - Springride Surfaces
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Springride Shredtex Pro Top

Springride Shredtex Pro Top

Fibre pieces

  • Non tyre product
  • Free from wire, and dust at source
  • Easy to lay and maintain
  • Relieves deadness in sand
  • Helps maintain a ride-on surface
  • Ideal for indoor areas
  • Helps to maintain moisture in Summer
  • Aids drainage
  • Relieves concussion
  • Increases spring
  • Improves performance
springride equestrian surface

A specific blend of rubber and fibre, which produces a cushioned yet supportive ride-on surface. Shredtex Pro-Top is easy to lay, aids drainage but retains moisture and resists freezing. Shredtex Pro-Top is a great modern surface with good going and minimal kick back.

Very good for driving or dressage and easy to maintain. Can be used to improve deep sand surfaces.

The surface has been absolutely fantastic, rideable in all weather, as good today as when first put down. Our horses go brilliantly on it!

horse arena leveller

Springride towable arena levellers are specifically designed with our surfaces in mind and will level any surface easily. With sprung tines to rake over high spots and a specially patterned roller which rolls and beats the surface level, they are made to the highest standard and are galvanised.

Check out the Springride Arena Leveller
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